Plastic Memories is a 2015 summer release, written by Naotaka Hayashi and released by Doga Kobo.
So what's our first impressions, this is a futuristic sci-fi romance. No tentacles involved !
We have a weird start to the show with the protagonist Mizugaki Tsukasa stating that he may have fallen in love with a girl who has never met before. In a small space, in a dark lift . . . probably not the best place to find love but maybe that's the way its done in this century.
Clearly this is the female protagonist! She seems to be a rather young looking teenage girl, she seems rather fragile with lilac hair in 2 pony tails and red eyes. But obviously he has no idea who or what she is!
From here we move on to find out that Tsukasa's father has managed to rig him a job as he knows the boss and we soon move into newbies first day.